She told us that she was planning to get a job to earn enough to buy one.
Here’s a picture of her – she was completely involved with the laptop, but looked up long enough to have her picture taken!
Our friends at the Forgotten People Fund shared Zahava’s story recently and when we learned about her ambitions and her bright educational promise we knew the Good People Fund should step in to help make some of her dreams a reality. Zahava herself is a sabra, though her parents and two siblings came from Ethiopia about 20 years ago. Now being raised by her mother, Zahava, only 16, is the family star. One of six children, she excels in school and numerous extracurricular programs including recent participation in the prestigious Samai Program, a 2 week trip to Ethiopia set up by an Ethiopian reporter with the Hebrew newspaper “Yediot Achronot”, to help Ethiopian teenagers regain the identity they have lost in Israel. Zahava was interviewed by the paper and appeared on TV talking about her experiences on the Samai journey. With such promise, we decided that buying her a laptop would be an excellent investment in this young woman’s future.
As we learned this morning, Zahava “still can’t believe that she has her own laptop! You did a real mitzvah.” Indeed, our donors did!