The Good People Fund is excited and inspired by ordinary people with extraordinary drive to make deep, uplifting impact in communities in the United States, Israel and elsewhere around the world. We find them, support them, counsel them … and watch as lives are changed and new and creative ways of addressing seemingly intractable social and economic challenges take root and flourish. Our driving value is tikkun olam – repair of the world – and our extended family of visionaries, supporters and donors embrace the notion that small actions lead to huge impacts.
See Our 2024 Actions and Impact in Our Annual Report
Meeting the Challenges of the War
Our grantees in Israel and beyond are pivoting and morphing, as existing needs deepen and new ones emerge since the October 7 attack and ensuing war. Our support is helping them meet this moment.
We support and mentor our grantees to help them build robust, impactful grassroots nonprofits, ensuring that your donation makes a difference in a world that needs it.

So much needs fixing …
Programs we support serve a broad range of human needs and populations-at-risk – from eradicating poverty to welcoming refugees.

Accountability matters …
We get to know our grantees and deeply and thoroughly vet their work to ensure our funds are used effectively and as intended.

Strength in partnership …
Once we commit to an organization, we guide them along, offering support, expertise, encouragement, and friendship along the way.

Doing good can’t wait …
We work quickly, nimbly and efficiently to ensure that when urgent needs arise, as they often do, they are met as swiftly as possible.